Hgtomi Rosa, The Hague. NL


a proposal for Hgtomi Rosa,
curated by Alexander Webber,

March 2021
Saturnusstraat 89, 2516 AG Den Haag

Office plants
borrowed from advertising agencies

The smell of apple pie

Blueback Abri poster
118,9 x 175cm

Billboard advertising falls on top of two cars during strong wind weather

single-channel video (iPhone)

Plants have an important influence on efficiency. Artists like to be productive. For the duration of the exhibition, office plants were borrowed from advertising agencies across The Netherlands. Studies have shown that employee’s productivity jumps 15% when offices are filled with just a handful of plants. Plants help relieve stress, improve memory and enhance creativity.

By a transfer of efficiency Kunst_planten wonders how to make the exhibition space ironically efficient and commercially welcoming.

Visitors were invited to water the plants.

︎ Jegens en Tevens, article - eng version

© 02.2025